In this episode I mention the new ACCRAC mailing list which you can sign up for with the link right below the show description on the website You can also post comments on the website and email questions to or I also highlight Rob MacSweeney’s fantastic critical care site called and his newsletter which you can subscribe to on his site. The weekly newsletter includes the week’s top trials and papers in critical care.
The rest of the episode is a high yield board review of the ABA topic of obstructive lung disease. I cover the following topics:
#Upper airway obstruction including extra thoracic and intra thoracic obstruction
#Flow volume loops and how to interpret them
#Lower airway and parenchymal obstruction including
#Cystic Fibrosis and bronchiectasis
#Mediastinal masses
The slides to go along with this episode can be downloaded here: Obstructive_Lung_Disease_slides
And the article that I mentioned about full helmet Bipap can be found here: