In this episode, episode 77, I discuss reversal of neuromuscular blockade. This is a follow up to episode 66 in which I covered neuromuscular blockade.
CME: https://earnc.me/An714h
Outline by Brian Park: NMB Reversal Outline
Miller’s Anesthesia 8th Edition. Reversal (Antagonism) of Neuromuscular Blockade. Murphy GS, de Boer HD, Eriksson LI and Miller RD. Chapter 35, 995-1027.e5.
Appiah-Ankam J, Hunter J. Pharmacology of neuromuscular blocking drugs. Cont Educ Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain. 2004;4(1):2-7.
Hristovska AM, Duch P, Allingstrup M, Afshari A. Efficacy and safety of sugammadex versus neostigmine in reversing neuromuscular blockade in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Aug 14;8:CD012763.
Keating GM. Sugammadex: A Review of Neuromuscular Blockade Reversal. Drugs. 2016 Jul;76(10):1041-52.
McLean DJ, Diaz-Gil D, Farhan HN, Ladha KS, Kurth T, Eikermann M. Dose-dependent Association between Intermediate-acting Neuromuscular-blocking Agents and Postoperative Respiratory Complications. Anesthesiology. 2015 Jun;122(6):1201-13.
Schaller S, Fink H. Sugammadex as a reversal agent for neuromuscular block: an evidence-based review. Core Evidence. 2013;8:57-67.