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In this episode, episode 65 and the last of 2017, I give my tips and tricks for being as efficient as possible with your time management so that you can maximize your success with your work and your life in general. Have a wonderful holiday and start to the new year!
CME: https://earnc.me/dzYnjJ
Outline by Brian Park: Outline
Good podcast.
A few comments tips regarding email. I am not perfect when it comes to these…
– Have specified times during the day when you check email. Do not be that person who checks email continuously throughout the day. There’s a few reasons for this. First, like you said you get better at a task once you’ve developed some flow. If you spend 15 minutes 3x per day doing emails (morning, afternoon, evening) then you will be more efficient with your responses. Second, you do not want people to think you’re available by email all the time. Third, email is a huge distraction and most of the emails we all get every day are useless.
– To dovetail from the above, email is actually a terrible medium for a lot of the things we use it for. If something is truly time-sensitive (needs to be communicated and acted upon the same day) then don’t send an email about it. Call, text, or page. Also, if the issue at hand is not something that can be clearly communicated and resolved with AT MOST 3 replies, then don’t use email (or text messages for that matter). Pick up the phone and call the other person. Email and text are not meant for conversations. I’m sure you know exactly how frustrating it is to have a drawn out conversation in text form. Don’t do it; it’s a waste of time.
– Never send emails when you’re angry
– The last thing you should do in any email is add recipients. This will prevent you from send incomplete, poorly worded, or error-filled emails.
Regarding lists… There’s a ton of useful apps out there (I use Google Keep). There’s also a ton of systems that you can look to for ideas (for example, Gettings Things Done, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done). Whatever systems you end up with, make sure it’s only as complicated as it needs to be.
Regarding calendars… You should only have one calendar. Having separate calendars for work, home, etc. is a recipe for missing things or double-booking yourself.
Hey Sean,
Lots of great points, thanks. I will say that as someone who gets a couple hundred emails each day, there’s no way that I could limit my email responding to only three 15 minute intervals per day. However, I do think your point is a good one. It is important to know when to leave the email alone and not let it distract you from other work. It’s also important to know when to leave the email alone and focus on, for example, time with your family or friends. If you are going to check email frequently throughout the day, I would recommend using those quick checks to get rid of spam and to deal with anything that requires only a very quick reply or no reply at all. Anything that will take more of your time should be saved in your inbox until you have time to sit down and address it later.
Always appreciate advice on time management, organization, etc. I live by my lists. Really like the two minute rule – follow up immediately if possible. Great idea – have already implemented once today since listening to your time management episode this afternoon. Will definitely incorporate into my routine. Thanks.