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In this 257th episode I welcome Dr. Cara Esser back to the show to discuss the ins and outs of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery and what to keep in mind preoperatively, intraoperatively and postoperatively.
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I have following your podcast for several years. I appreciate your passion and mission to educating the anesthesia community. My critique of many of your guests centers around their centric approach to care. For example, your last guest talked about extubation strategies for transphenoidal procedures. She described airway management for deep extubation as less than desirable due to laryngospasm and “the probable need of airway support by the anesthesiologist.” In my opinion this could be construed as a means to assert dominance and diminish the role played by other providers. Moving forward I would hope those experts in our community would leave the rhetorical commentary for a different audience.
Best wishes.