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In this 166th episode I welcome Dr. Aliaksei Pustavoitau to the show to discuss management of the hypoxemia COVID-19 patient including initial triage, escalating support, endotracheal intubation, and ventilator management.
CME: https://earnc.me/9Y2hBs
Fantastic and informative Podcast. At this current time, what are current recommendations and/or Hopkins’ practice for PPE usage during aerosolizing procedures for non-COVID patients? That is, namely for OR intubations for patients that are not COVID positive or a PUI? I have heard some practitioners are opting to where N95 masks for all intubations. While this is understandably prudent, how does one balance this practice against the current PPE shortage?
We have now gone to n95 and facemask (or PAPR) for all intubations and other aerosolizing procedures. Trying to reuse as much as possible.
Hi Jed,
You mentioned type II pneumocytes being affected by COVID-19, is there any references that I could read more about that?
Here’s a JAMA article discussing it: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2763803