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In this 119th episode I welcome Dr. Robert Sawyer to the show. Dr. Sawyer was the PI on the STOP-IT trial comparing a short course of antibiotics versus a longer course for complicated intraabdominal infections. We discuss the trial, the outcomes, and what the future of antimicrobial management in the surgical ICU may look like.
CME: https://earnc.me/jeCfMt
STOP-IT Trial: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1411162
So cool. Last time hearing Dr Sawyer was as a SICU anesthesia resident at UVA a bunch of years ago. Congrats on the trial, greetings from a fan in Cville, thanks for an awesome podcast, and go hoooos!
Great podcast, really interesting to hear his thought process. Thanks for posting